Gel Polish Rules

For the record Gel polish does not ruin nails but breaking the rules that apply whilst wearing gel polish will!!

Take a look at the list in the pic below and see if you are guilty of any..

Gel Polish Rules


Peeling off gel polish destroys nails completely as it takes layers off the nail bed so no matter the temptation avoid, avoid, avoid and rather have them removed properly either at the salon or by soaking them off at home using acetone based polish remover that will remove gel polish from the nails effortlessly.

*Also worth mentioning Beauty Vibes does NOT charge for gel polish removal with a gel polish re-application (if your gel polish was applied at Beauty Vibes!) so no excuses for missing appointments and peeling polish issues!!

If however, you have peeled off your gel polish and as a consequence of that your nails are looking de-hydrated and delaminated, then consider an IBX nail treatment for your nails to remedy damaged nails back to health.

A single IBX treatment will boost the nails with strength and lock in hydration whilst a course of IBX treatments is recommended for very badly damaged nails.

To read more about the ‘benefits of IBX and how this professional nail treatment can nurture and restore your natural nails back to optimum health then visit the Pricelist page and navigate down the grey descriptions tabs to the Nail Repair Treatments tab, fore ease of access click the link here


September 19th, 2018|Blog, Nail Integrity|

The secret to healthy nails

So many times I hear customers say to me that Gel Polish has ruined their nails..

Well here’s a little blog post to clarify that Gel polish will not ruin your nails however this is subject to you doing one small thing every single day you wear polish and that one thing is..

Applying ‘Cuticle Oil’ at least once every single day you wear nail polish and in particular ‘gel’ polish.

Cuticle Oil

So why is cuticle oil so important??

In a nutshell cuticle oil is a Superfood for nails and the conditioning ally to nail polish. Just like for hair, Shampoo and Conditioner pair together so too for nails should cuticle oil and nail polish.

Because gel polish in particular is designed to adhere to the nails for longer (eg. 2 weeks or in some cases even longer as opposed to regular polish which lasts for up to 7days), the longer polish stays on nails the more nails are prone to de-hydration which leads to weak, brittle and split nails.

Prevention is always better than cure and the best way to prevent de-hydration and further damage to your nails is to apply cuticle oil every day.

The cuticle oil is purposefully made up of a blend of various essential oils and vitamins essential to feed and nourish nails beds and condition the delicate skin around the nails and because it’s an oil its small molecular structure penetrates fast to remedy and maintain hydration levels supporting the general health of the nails.

It is worth noting that the more Hydrated and healthy the nails are, the less prone the polish is to chipping!! And also worth mentioning that when it comes to removal the gel polish is much easier to remove when the nails have been regularly conditioned with cuticle oil.

*Cuticle oil should always be used in addition to hand cream.  (Hand cream for hands and cuticle oil for nails and cuticles!!)  A few drops of cuticle oil however can also be dropped into the hand cream to boost the hand cream itself thus making it a very hydrating hand cream elixir indeed!

*Regular use of cuticle oil will transform your nails for the better and prolong the longevity of your polish so do your nails a favour and make it a habit today!!

Click the link to learn more about general Gel Polish Rules

September 19th, 2018|Blog, Nail Integrity|

The latest brand product intro at Beauty Vibes – ‘Footlogix’

Beauty Vibes is proud to offer you a deluxe pedicure experience with a difference!

Transform your feet “From Woe… to WOW!”

Introducing ‘Footlogix Pediceuticals’ with ‘Dermal Infusion Technology’ (DIT) 

Do you consider to have any of these foot conditions??


          Dry Skin                      Cracked Heel                  Callus                           Toe Nail Fungus

About Footlogix

Footlogix is a unique, lightweight, non greasy, non occlusive, fragrance – free,  mousse based  pharmaceutical- grade pedicure product line formulated with Dermal Infusion Technology (DIT)

DIT is the delivery system that delivers the active ingredients into all the layers of the skin thus enabling the ‘Footlogix’ ailment curing active ingredients formulae to penetrate faster and deeper into the troubled skin areas of the feet and effectively restore feet to a healthy state.

Footlogix unique product formulations have been clinically proven to cure simple dryness to addressing more severe skin conditions associated with diabetes and provides transformational results to the skin and nails on the feet even after the first treatment.

A ‘Footlogix’ deluxe pedicure at Beauty Vibes will transform the skin on your feet from heels to toes!!

For more information on the brand ‘Footlogix’ click the link here 

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